UltraSurf is a flagship anti-censorship product by UltraReach Internet Corp. (www.ultrareach.us).
- enables users inside countries with heavy Internet censorship to visit any public web sites in the world safely and freely
- works together with the GIFT (a dynamic node-proxy anti-jamming system);
- requires no installation or change in system setting;
UltraSurf is a green software, no installation process is needed and no change in system setting is required. It is simply an executable file on Windows platform.
Download UltraSurf software (in Chinese) at
http://www.wujieliulan.com/download.htm -
Download NEW UltraSurf software (n English) at:
http://ultrasurf.us/downloads/ultravpn/v100.zip -
Download UltraSurf Client Software (in English) at
UltraSurf’s Chinese name, Wujie – meaning borderless – has become a household name among Chinese Internet users. UltraSurf is one of the “three swordsmen,” thanks partly to its user friendliness and user support in Chinese.
UltraSurf is a robust anti-censorship system evolved from the lasting battle between GFW and UltraReach. Since infancy, UltraSurf has been one of the Chinese Communists’ favorite targets. The freely available software has been analyzed, mutilated and spoofed, and the supporting network infrastructure has been constantly attacked. Without doubt, these factors have accelerated UltraSurf reaching its level of sophistication and fame. The current release, UltraSurf 8.8, has implemented a complex proxy system with complete transparency and a high level of encryption on the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) platform.
UltraSurf enables users to browse any website freely--just the same as using the regular IE browser--while it automatically searches the fastest proxy servers in the background. It has strong support for load balancing and fault tolerance, and it even employs a decoying mechanism to thwart any tracing effort of its communication with its infrastructure.
UltraReach Internet Corp. (www.ultrareach.us), an Internet technology company founded by a group of Silicon Valley technologists. Since 2002, UltraReach has focused its core business on developing anti-censorship technologies, and the current release of its anti-censorship software is UltraSurf 8.8. UltraReach has been expanding its offerings based on its unique GIFT (Global Internet Freedom Technology) platform, and today it is also providing a secure email service called UltraMail, and a protected web portal for users in China, UltraReach.net (or www.wujieliulan.com).
Our Mission
Inform, connect, and empower the people in closed societies with information on a free Internet.
Our Vision
The Great Firewall will be taken down as the Berlin Wall.
We Stand Together
There is no freedom without freedom of information. There is no freedom of information without Internet freedom.